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Category: classes in Bend Oregon

Kitchen Kaleidoscope Event This Saturday, June 18, 2011

Kitchen Kaleidoscope Event This Saturday, June 18, 2011

Spring in Central Oregon is a painting of the view from my backyard during that magical time in spring when the flowers start to bloom and the mountains are still covered with snow.” 

The Assistance League of Bend, Oregon’s semi-annual Kitchen Kaleidoscope is this Saturday.  If you have seen the posters around town or have your tickets, you will recognize my painting, Spring in Central Oregon, as the featured painting for the event.   This is a fund raising event that will benefit the low-income families of Bend.  Tickets are $25 and you will be able to tour seven beautiful private homes in North Rim and Northwest Crossing.  My painting will be on display at the Riley house in the North Rim section.  I will also have some small originals, prints and cards for sale.  My two great friends, Karen and Karen, will be helping me with my table.  Stop by and say “Hi!”.

A Day in Uzes, A Peek inside my Watercolor Journal

A Day in Uzes, A Peek inside my Watercolor Journal

If you are ever in the south of France, be sure to spend an afternoon in the quiet little town of Uzes.  Park your car and walk to the old town center.  There you will find a peaceful cobbled stone square with a fountain, cafes and filtered sunlight sparkling through the Plane trees.  I was lucky enough to be able to sit for awhile and capture this scene in my watercolor journal. 
I am excited to tell you that I will be teaching at the CREATE Chicago Mixed Media Retreat in August.  Registration opened today!  I will be teaching a watercolor class on how to successfully mix colors, called Rainbow Studies, as well as a mixed media class on creating interactive components in your watercolor journals – Flips, Flaps and Fold-outs.  I would love to meet some of you in person!

Sucessful Paintings!

Sucessful Paintings!

Here’s to successful paintings!

We have just finished up the Painting from Start to Finish Workshop held at my studio.  We looked over some of our paintings during our “happy hour critique” at the last class.
Our warm-up exercise for this last class was to paint a lily using lost and found or soft edges.  I think they turned out wonderfully!

Here are some of the paintings that we worked on:

Jan’s Landscape

Kendra’s Moroccan Alley

Barbara’s Adobe

Rocks and Indian Paintbrush by Mary Anne

Sue’s colorful Mountain Sunrise
Happy Painters

Talking about the process