Cloth, Paper, Scissors First Annual Holiday Issue Giveaway

Cloth, Paper, Scissors First Annual Holiday Issue Giveaway

First Annual Holiday Issue of Gifts, 148 pages
Thank you everyone for commenting yesterday and giving me such great ideas on how to host a giveaway on my blog.  In order to win the prize – Cloth-Paper-Scissors’ First Annual Holiday Issue, please do the following:
*One entry per person.  Enter by leaving a comment on this post or yesterday’s post and answering this question – Have you ever made something that you saw in a Cloth, Paper, Scissors Magazine?  If so, what was it?
*I will use to randomly pick the lucky winner
*Everyone that already posted will be included in the drawing (expect the few that said they don’t want the magazine)
*The deadline to comment is Sunday, December 19th, 2011

What an inspiring magazine!  There are gift projects for the book artists, fabric artists, jewelry artists, beginning and well seasoned artists.  As always the artwork is beautifully displayed and the instructions are easy to follow. 

I was pleased to see my “Wishes” ATC featured in an article by Linda Blinn.  I was contacted in June by Barbara Delaney, assistant editor of Cloth, Paper Scissors, to create ATC for their holiday issue.  I have to admit that I was a bit stressed about this tiny piece of art (2 1/2” x 3 ½”)!  I pulled out all my sparkles, fake snow and xmas stencils in June and tried to get into the Christmas spirit.  I think that I made about 5 ATCs and spent many hours before I gave up and sent what I thought was my best one (we were flying out to Maine the next day and I had yet to pack!)  While I was in Maine, I got an email from Linda telling me that she picked my   ATC to feature on the cover of one of her holiday cards!  Ok, here is the funny part of this whole story – Linda found our Maine rental house on the internet and rented it for her family vacation early in the summer.  Through our emails we made the art connection and I found out that I have been reading her articles on creating art for years!

15 thoughts on “Cloth, Paper, Scissors First Annual Holiday Issue Giveaway

  1. Lots of things, but the most recent thing I made and then taught my grandkids (age six) to make was fabric/paper boxes. They learned to sew fabric to paper on my sewing machine, and to lace up the sides with yarn! They came out so cool! I love this magazine and have made oodels of things out of it. Thanks for a chance to win the book/mag?/

  2. Hi, If you can believe it I just discovered this magazine and haven't made anything from them yet. I would love the magazine so I can get busy!!

  3. love, love love the magazine and have made lots of things. Most recently I made Debbi Crane's purse books from issue 8 or 9 for a bridal shower favor. Big hit!

  4. Hi, I have only just discovered theb magazine this summer. I don't tend to make projects in magazines but be inspired by them to make something of my own. I LOVE the magazine… and your blog. Happy Holidays!

  5. Have not made anything yet but would like to do a project together with my daughter-in-law, a kindergarten teacher cum stay-at-home mother of two little ones. Ladybug

  6. I don't know if I have made anything specifically like the instructions in CPS said, but for sure it has provided me inspiration to make things and put my own spin on it. I am constantly making things, and CPS provides plenty of inspiration!

  7. Hi! I have made some things from the magazine – Kelli Perkins is one of my favorite featured artists. I have done one of her stitched imagery little watercolors that you copy onto fabric and then stitch that. I went to the CPS CREATE art retreat in Chicago. It was fantastic, and I highly recommend it to everyone! I would love to get their special holiday issue. Thanks!

  8. I get inspiration all the time from Cloth, Paper,Scissors! I did a painting background from an article by Kelly Rae Roberts. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the Holiday Issue!


  9. I only have 2 subscriptions – CPS and Quilting Arts magazines. I have been inspired by many of their articles, including those by Lisa Kaus and Karen Michel, and have made several of their projects. I would love to get their holiday issue and check out your ATC. I have done 3 ATC exchanges at Art and Soul – retreat in Portland, OR and Las Vegas. Thanks!

  10. Jacqueline Newbold, introduced me to painting…watercolor at the ripe age of 54. And now she is introducing me to another experience that I would love to try. I wonder how many other adults, late to the artistic world are out there that Jacqueline will inspire.

  11. Hi Jacqueline,

    I have subscribed to CPS for a number of years and enjoy it very much. I am sure that I have made projects from the magazine but, unfortunately, at the moment cannot remember anyone specifically.

    Happy Holidays to you. From one of your appreciative Portland Art & Soul students, Joyce

  12. Love all the mixed media ideas and projects in CPS. Page layouts are well done and easy to read and follow.CPS chooses the best artists to highlight, like my good friend Jacqueline Newbold. I hope to submit something one day too.

  13. I’ve probably made a book that was shown in cloth paper scissors last summer with my mom! But i don’t need the magazine I can just look at Jacqueline’s 😉

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