The famous Mistral winds of Provence has followed us to the east as we explore and paint plein air in the little town of Roussillon. Roussillon is known for its colorful buildings of reds, ocres, and yellows mined from the nearby rocks. It is also designated as on of France’s Plus Beaux Village de France! The Mistral has pushed away all the rain and the clouds so that we have a beautiful, sparkling day to paint, if you can stand the gusty wind. Several of us walk to the outskirts of town to paint the village while others paint in the cute, colorful streets of the village.
I learn that the bell tower of a lot of the hilltop villages are open to allow the mistral to pass through. |
Colorful red buildings are found throughout the town. |
We explore. |
Great view of the town |
Barbara and Liz find a sunny spot to paint. |
JoAnn shows her beautiful painting in progress. |
Ice cream shops are plentiful! |
I buy this little ceramic chicken made from the nearby colorful clay. |
I visit my favorite store that sells pure pigment in little jars. |
More colors of pigment. |
Would you like to learn the joys of keeping a watercolor journal? We are now taking reservations for painting in Umbria, Italy, May 10-17, 2019, Painting in Provence with