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Category: Beryl Taylor

Cloth Paper Scissor’s New Book: Techniques and Inspiration for Creating Mixed-Media Art

Cloth Paper Scissor’s New Book: Techniques and Inspiration for Creating Mixed-Media Art

Since I had to send my computer away to the computer hospital, I have had a bit more time for catching up on my reading.  I have spent some relaxing, fun time devouring the exciting new art book by Barbara Delaney:  The Cloth-Paper Scissors Book, Techniques and Inspiration for Creating Mixed-Media Art.

This colorful, gorgeous book has something for all artists, beginners to advanced. Barbara has assembled (in her own words) “the very best articles and projects from the first six years of Cloth Paper Scissors magazine.”  I am thrilled to be included with my article, Travel Journals, Maps as a Starting Point. 
Barbara’s writes about finding inspiration and getting over artist’s block, speaking to the artist in us all.  She has some encouraging ideas on how to get the most out of your creative day. 
I have already gone to the craft store to pick up some Transparent Liquid Sculpey to make some translucent transfers as explained by D. J. Pettitt.  Digging through my studio cupboards I found an old stash of thin metals so that I could try out Beryl Taylor’s Metal Magic.  This book covers an array of mixed-media ideas in a well organized and informative way.  Printing and transfer methods, sketching, journaling, collage and assemblage, and mixed-media hand stitching all come to life packed in this energetic new book.  If you can’t wait for your own hard copy of the book, Interweave press is now selling it as an easy to download ebook.  I recommend this wonderful, new art book!