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Category: Cloth Paper Scissors

Cloth Paper Scissor’s New Book: Techniques and Inspiration for Creating Mixed-Media Art

Cloth Paper Scissor’s New Book: Techniques and Inspiration for Creating Mixed-Media Art

Since I had to send my computer away to the computer hospital, I have had a bit more time for catching up on my reading.  I have spent some relaxing, fun time devouring the exciting new art book by Barbara Delaney:  The Cloth-Paper Scissors Book, Techniques and Inspiration for Creating Mixed-Media Art.

This colorful, gorgeous book has something for all artists, beginners to advanced. Barbara has assembled (in her own words) “the very best articles and projects from the first six years of Cloth Paper Scissors magazine.”  I am thrilled to be included with my article, Travel Journals, Maps as a Starting Point. 
Barbara’s writes about finding inspiration and getting over artist’s block, speaking to the artist in us all.  She has some encouraging ideas on how to get the most out of your creative day. 
I have already gone to the craft store to pick up some Transparent Liquid Sculpey to make some translucent transfers as explained by D. J. Pettitt.  Digging through my studio cupboards I found an old stash of thin metals so that I could try out Beryl Taylor’s Metal Magic.  This book covers an array of mixed-media ideas in a well organized and informative way.  Printing and transfer methods, sketching, journaling, collage and assemblage, and mixed-media hand stitching all come to life packed in this energetic new book.  If you can’t wait for your own hard copy of the book, Interweave press is now selling it as an easy to download ebook.  I recommend this wonderful, new art book!

The Creative Process, A Peak inside my Empty Watercolor Journal

The Creative Process, A Peak inside my Empty Watercolor Journal

Do you enjoy the anticipation of an upcoming vacation or trip?  Do you practice packing your suitcase with your favorite clothes?  To me the journey begins way before walking out the door, suitcase in hand.  I love preparing my art supplies for my travels.  Planning for my upcoming trip, Painting Poppies in Provence, France, I decided to take two watercolor journals.  (Two spots just opened up on this trip to Provence, so let me know if you want to join us!) One is a 14 x 10 Arches Watercolor Book with 140 pound Arches paper.  The other smaller one is a Strathmore 400 Field Watercolor Sketchbook.  For years I have had a love/hate relationship with the Strathmore field book.  Every other piece of (crappy) watercolor page alternates with a piece of drawing paper.  This drawing paper is where my mixed-media imagination soars and I have probably filled at least 10 of these journals with art from my travels.

Pages in my journal prepared for the trip

First page in my new journal with inspiring quote.

Well, this year I decided to quit complaining about the (crappy) watercolor paper and tore my Strathmore Sketchbook apart.  I kept the metal coil and the black hard covers.  I  filled it with Arches 140 paper alternating with Strathmore 400 series drawing paper.  I prepared the drawing papers with colorful backgrounds and finished the first page with an inspiring quote for my upcoming trip: “To Paint…. to travel…. the combine the two is to celebrate life”  (Jack Brouwer). 

The cover of my new “Strathmore” journal now filled with Arches watercolor paper!

Stay tuned for my upcoming article in Cloth, Paper, Scissors magazine’s special edition, PAGES, on how to prepare these your jouranl pages with mixed-media and watercolor.
How do you prepare for your upcoming journeys?  I would love to hear what special techniques and ideas you have!

Cloth, Paper, Scissors First Annual Holiday Issue Giveaway

Cloth, Paper, Scissors First Annual Holiday Issue Giveaway

First Annual Holiday Issue of Gifts, 148 pages
Thank you everyone for commenting yesterday and giving me such great ideas on how to host a giveaway on my blog.  In order to win the prize – Cloth-Paper-Scissors’ First Annual Holiday Issue, please do the following:
*One entry per person.  Enter by leaving a comment on this post or yesterday’s post and answering this question – Have you ever made something that you saw in a Cloth, Paper, Scissors Magazine?  If so, what was it?
*I will use to randomly pick the lucky winner
*Everyone that already posted will be included in the drawing (expect the few that said they don’t want the magazine)
*The deadline to comment is Sunday, December 19th, 2011

What an inspiring magazine!  There are gift projects for the book artists, fabric artists, jewelry artists, beginning and well seasoned artists.  As always the artwork is beautifully displayed and the instructions are easy to follow. 

I was pleased to see my “Wishes” ATC featured in an article by Linda Blinn.  I was contacted in June by Barbara Delaney, assistant editor of Cloth, Paper Scissors, to create ATC for their holiday issue.  I have to admit that I was a bit stressed about this tiny piece of art (2 1/2” x 3 ½”)!  I pulled out all my sparkles, fake snow and xmas stencils in June and tried to get into the Christmas spirit.  I think that I made about 5 ATCs and spent many hours before I gave up and sent what I thought was my best one (we were flying out to Maine the next day and I had yet to pack!)  While I was in Maine, I got an email from Linda telling me that she picked my   ATC to feature on the cover of one of her holiday cards!  Ok, here is the funny part of this whole story – Linda found our Maine rental house on the internet and rented it for her family vacation early in the summer.  Through our emails we made the art connection and I found out that I have been reading her articles on creating art for years!

Cloth, Paper, Scissors Magazine Giveaway!

Cloth, Paper, Scissors Magazine Giveaway!

Win this magazine – read below

I am honored and thrilled that the editors of my favorite magazine, Cloth, Paper, Scissors, picked my blog for their New Magazine Blog Tour.   I will be reviewing their magazines and offering free magazines to a few lucky Art in my Heart Blog readers starting with GIFTS, their first annual holiday issue.  This magazine is super-sized at 148 pages and can be found at Barnes & Noble for $14.99.  Or you can participate in my blog giveaway and perhaps win a free copy!

Here is what I need from you….
I have never done a blog giveaway before so I am looking for great ideas on how to do this.  Have you ever done a giveaway or participated in one?  What works and what is fun?  Anyone that comments will be entered into my CPS magazine giveaway. 
I have my cup of coffee and a fire lit in the fireplace.  It just started snowing outside.  I am off to read through GIFTS and will get back to you soon!