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Category: DVD about art journaling

Art Journals on-the-go DVD Give-away!

Art Journals on-the-go DVD Give-away!

I am giving away one of my just-released DVD, Art Journals on-the-go: How to pack, prep, paint and more.  Here is a short You-tube video from the DVD showing how I use water-soluble pens in my art journals: DVD Workshop.

Art Journals On-The-Go: How to pack, prep, paint, and more
Art Journals on-the-go by Jacqueline Newbold
Here what you need to do to enter:
Leave me a comment below and answer the following question:
If you were stranded on a deserted island what 3 art items would you want to have with you? (Corny I know!)
The last day to leave a comment is Sunday, May 6, 2012.
I will use the random number generator to pick the lucky winner and announce the winner here on my blog. 
Colorful Wishes!