It is always a long journey to get here but so wonderful to be back. Marie and I started out with a 6 a.m. flight out of Oregon and arrived in Paris 18 hours later. As our jet was flying low and beginning our landing, we were passing endless beautiful checker board fields of bright, lemony yellow, interspersed with green fields. We decide that the yellow flowers blooming must be fields upon fields of mustard! Wonderful French mustard!
We gather up one of my students at the train station and all took the same train down to Avignon. After filling our little car with groceries for the upcoming workshop we headed down to St. Remy de Provence passing fields of red poppies blooming! Even though it is raining, we take a evening stroll through one of my favorite towns in France. The streets are deserted from the rain but the lighting is beautiful. This is Sally’s first time to Europe and it is so wonderful to hear her exclamations of joy about the charm and loveliness that we are surrounded by. Her awe and delight reaffirms my love of Provence. We peek in the shop windows, drooling over the colorful stacks of tablecloths and napkins from the region.

They have obviously been having lots of rain here as the rivers are high. It has been raining hard since we got here. The rain has brought more flowers this year than in the past and will give us colorful scenes to paint. We may have to make up the shadows on our paintings if the sun is not out but that is part of fun of being artist!