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Category: painting on fabric

A Peek Inside My Watercolor Journal – CREATE

A Peek Inside My Watercolor Journal – CREATE

Part of the fun of going to one of the art retreats is being able to take classes from teachers you admire.  I have always loved Beryl Taylor’s work and was fortunate enough to take a class from her!  I love her sense of color and design.  She mixes paints, fabric, and journaling.  Yes – I did actually sit at a sewing machine and do some sewing on the pieces in my journal above.  I have to tell you that fabric art has come a long way from when I used to sew!
The final project for this class was to bind the little pages into a petite book.  Instead, I ended up putting them in my watercolor art journal as I thought I would see them more often there and they will serve as a reminder to what I learned in this fabulous class:  painting on metal, painting on muslin, layering and creative edges. 
Thank you Beryl!