Jacqueline’s Blog

Playing with Color for the CREATE Retreat

Playing with Color for the CREATE Retreat

Rainbow Studies

Flip, Flaps and Fold-Outs

CREATE Mixed Media Retreat is two weeks away and I have been excitedly getting ready for my classes that I am teaching.  Even though the Flip, Flaps and Fold-Outs class is full, there are still a couple of spots left in the Rainbow Studies Class.  This class will focus on using the color wheel to create harmonious little watercolor painting studies.  If you struggle with color, this class will be of great value.  I look forward to meeting all the artists that will be at CREATE!

Ruby-throated Hummingbird, A Peek Inside My Watercolor Journal

Ruby-throated Hummingbird, A Peek Inside My Watercolor Journal

There are at least two female Ruby-throated hummingbirds coming to the feeder at our camp, Tern II.  Each one has a different personality.  One likes to sit and perch at the feeder, taking long drinks of sugar nectar.  The other never perches and seems more cautious, always suspended in flight and looking quickly around after each quick sip.  While I paint, I hear the lobster boats in the distance and a Thrush or Warbler singing in the background.  The tide is moving in.
Painting at the Marina

Painting at the Marina

On most Mondays, the Plein Air Painters of Mount Desert Island, Maine, meet at different locations around the island.  On Sunday evening, local artist and author Gail, sends out a email with the painting location for the next morning.  Last year was my first year of joining the group and I had the pleasure of doing so again this year.  We met at the Northeast Harbor Marina.  That meant boats, boats, more boats and water; both of which I am not very familiar at painting coming from the high desert of Central Oregon.  First I did a warm-up in my watercolor journal.  I pick a smart looking red boat to paint.  This was fun, small and spontaneous.  Then I attempted a 1/4 sheet watercolor painting.  By the time I started, I had less than an hour to finish before the group stopped painting for critique and picnic lunch.  So I did not get very far with my larger painting as I felt it was important to get the shape of the boat somewhat correct.  I will share with you my journal entry:

My Watercolor Journal Painting of the Red Boat at Northeast Harbor Marina

Photo of the Red Boat    
More Scenes of Maine – Every sunset is different

Arriving at Isle au Haut – View from the Mail Boat

Rocky Coast

Lobster Dinner at Sunset

Seals on the Rocks
Art on the Go

Art on the Go

Second Chances Art at the San Francisco Airport

It is fun to find art in unexpected places!  Today while traveling through the San Francisco airport, I had a few moments to enjoy an art display of recycled items, “Second Chances – Folk Art Made from Recycled Remnants”.  Most of these were made out of metals but then there were very clever dresses made out of candy wrappers. These were incredibly intricate and colorful. Also very colorful, were baskets woven out of discarded telephone wires.

Candy wrapper dresses
Miniature chairs and toys
Colorful baskets made from discarded telephone wires
Miniature metal trucks
Bugs made of metal

Artist Reception

Artist Reception

Blue Vase and Polka Dots
I am the featured artist at Alleda Real Estate for Bend’s First Friday Art Walk tonight.  There is an artist reception and I will be there from 5:30 pm until 9:00.  Please stop by, see my new paintings and say “Hi’!
25 NW Minnesota (next door to Thump Coffee), Bend, Oregon
A Peek Inside My Provence Watercolor Journal, Flower Pots

A Peek Inside My Provence Watercolor Journal, Flower Pots

Flower pots of Provence

Here is a page from my watercolor journal that I just finished.  I had to add more darks and shadows and then finished up with some words in the spaces between my little paintings.  I consider this a study of different terra cotta pots that are found through out Provence.  While traveling and painting in your journals, consider doing a study of one item and painting it in different locations, colors and sizes. 

 What kind of paintings have you done that you would consider a study?

Kitchen Kaleidoscope Event This Saturday, June 18, 2011

Kitchen Kaleidoscope Event This Saturday, June 18, 2011

Spring in Central Oregon is a painting of the view from my backyard during that magical time in spring when the flowers start to bloom and the mountains are still covered with snow.” 

The Assistance League of Bend, Oregon’s semi-annual Kitchen Kaleidoscope is this Saturday.  If you have seen the posters around town or have your tickets, you will recognize my painting, Spring in Central Oregon, as the featured painting for the event.   This is a fund raising event that will benefit the low-income families of Bend.  Tickets are $25 and you will be able to tour seven beautiful private homes in North Rim and Northwest Crossing.  My painting will be on display at the Riley house in the North Rim section.  I will also have some small originals, prints and cards for sale.  My two great friends, Karen and Karen, will be helping me with my table.  Stop by and say “Hi!”.

A Peek Inside My Provence 2011 Watercolor Journal

A Peek Inside My Provence 2011 Watercolor Journal

I love painting on location but often there is not enough time to finish a painting.  Usually I have time to do a drawing and a watercolor wash or two.  Then it is easy to finish the painting later when I have more time.  Often I will finish these paintings when I am on the airplane ride home or when I am back in my studio. 

Here is an example of a watercolor painting in my journal that I finished at a later time. 

This painting was actually finished while flying over the Atlantic Ocean  
Antiques Roadshow

Antiques Roadshow

While I was in France, I got and email informing me that I had won two tickets to the PBS Antiques Roadshow!  These tickets can not be bought or sold.  I applied online months ago and my name was entered into a random drawing.  Three thousand people were awarded tickets to the 2012 season’s first stop – Eugene, Oregon.  My daughter and I will be standing in those long lines tomorrow, hoping for a favorable appraisal and if we are really lucky, to get on the national broadcast.  Each ticket holder can bring two items to be appraised by some of the nation’s top antique appraisers.  Well the first two items was easy for me to decided – my mother’s Louis XVI roll-top desk and her Jacob Petit porcelain vases.  I have a few hours left to decide upon the last two things I should take.  We inherited a several book sets dating from the 1860’s, a little porcelain shoe, some weird perhaps Tibetan roof tiles (or Pottery Barn knock-offs), a set of dancing angles, an old hand colored photo of the Black Hills, South Dakota, or a gold pendant with a beautiful red stone. 
Is there anyone else out there going tomorrow to Eugene to the Antiques Roadshow?  What would you bring to be appraised?
What I Will Not Be Missing about Provence, France

What I Will Not Be Missing about Provence, France

There are certain things that I will not be missing from my painting trip to France.  Reliable internet, showers that can get your body wet all at one once and, well, I can’t actually think of anything else right now.  What I will be missing are those huge artichokes from Spain that were in season, outdoor fresh food markets with stalls of roasted chicken and an unbelievable variety of cheeses, quiet afternoons spent painting at the charming Hotel du Soleil, lingering sunsets that glowed against centuries old buildings, fields and fields of red poppies, meeting up with French friends, making new friends, red doors, blue shutters, lavender ice cream, olive groves… I think the list is endless!

The fabulous Francoise and Guy, Proprietors of the Hotel du Soleil.  Thank you so much for another lovely time in St. Remy de Provence!!!  

Merci Doris for all your insightful painting critiques!