Art Journals on-the-go DVD Give-away!
I am giving away one of my just-released DVD, Art Journals on-the-go: How to pack, prep, paint and more. Here is a short You-tube video from the DVD showing how I use water-soluble pens in my art journals: DVD Workshop.
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Art Journals on-the-go by Jacqueline Newbold |
Here what you need to do to enter:
Leave me a comment below and answer the following question:
If you were stranded on a deserted island what 3 art items would you want to have with you? (Corny I know!)
The last day to leave a comment is Sunday, May 6, 2012.
I will use the random number generator to pick the lucky winner and announce the winner here on my blog.
Colorful Wishes!
46 thoughts on “Art Journals on-the-go DVD Give-away!”
3, eh?
1) My journal, 2) WC Palette 3) Brushes
1) Journal
2) WC Paint
3) One brush
Pretty much the same thing. My journal,WC Paint & brush.. but then I would want my pen that doesn't smear as I like to do ink and watercolors. hmm Can you make that FOUR things? 🙂
Oooh, Jacqueline, I'd love to win your DVD. Your question is pretty tough, only 3:
1) A thick, handmade journal made with 140# watercolor paper.
2) My Caran d'Ache Neocolor IIs.
3) A #8 squirrel hair mop brush.
Thanks so much for this opportunity to win,
1. My 8 x 8", fat watercolor sketchbook with 140 lb Fabriano Artistico paper (soft press)
2. My current Winsor Newton watercolor palette with 3 primary triads -Niji large watercolor brush
3. A permanent black pen
But what would I do when I finished my supplies? Hopefully there would be some bark and leaves and some berries for natural pigments.
Wow, thank you! Hmmm, three art supplies… Since I am still learning and practicing with watercolors, I would take them in the hopes of being uninterrupted on the island(!), a big, fat journal with 140 lb paper, and my favorite fine point sharpie markers! Aaaah!
Goodness… depends on how long I'm stranded! 😉 Plenty of paper, pencils and ink pens. I'd figure out how to make natural paints and a brush out of coconut hairs!
Thanks for the opportunity! 🙂
This is a hard one, my koi 24 pan watercolor set (comes with a waterbrush), my favorite black uniball signo pen which is waterproof, My current journal
Practicalities fight for priority with art supplies. So, assuming I'll be "roughing it" a bit:
1. My Swiss army pen knife. With it I can peel bark off trees (aha! I've invented paper!), sharpen pencils (wait–they didn't make the list!), create stencils, do kirigami… As an added bonus I can make fish hooks, remove splinters, and use it to help build a hut!
2. Dental floss. I can stitch handmade books together to make journals, sew items onto the pages (no need for glue), etc. If I find stains or dyes, I can change the color of the "thread" (the cheaper dental floss tends to take color better). An added bonus: emergency suturing, clothes mending, fishing line, and my dentist won't find cavities between my teeth when I return!
3. This is a hard one. The practical side of me says a guide for surviving on a deserted island (the very comprehensive sort with lots of pages on first aid, foraging for food, poisonous plants, etc.) but the other side of me says my acrylic paint set because every gal needs something luxurious, decadent, and colorful to take with her to a deserted island. I think the guide wins–and there's a splendid irony about altering a book on surviving on a desert island by journaling about your own experiences surviving on a desert island.
Everything else I'll just have to find while I'm there, even if I'm using mud and ground up berries for paint and a twig with a bit of my hair for a brush.
3 items for a desert island? That would have to be:
– my journal I just bought myself
– my caran d'ache neocolour II crayons
– texture paste
I would have to have my W/N watercolor set, a water brush, and a small art journal. THank you for offering this DVD as a give away. Hope I will win it!
a very fat sketchbook (with wc paper), my fountain pen and a huge bottle of platinum carbon ink…would make brushes and paints from nature.
my watercolor journal, my watercolor pencils & my waterbrush but I also need a pencil sharpener or a knife to sharpen the pencils 🙂
I agree with everything said so far! I guess I was hoping for some new items to try and MagaMerlina mentioned platinum carbon ink. That's a new for me – I would like to try it!
1.Journal, Koi watercolor kit which includes a filled water brush (so I will count that all as and a 3 mechanical pencil filled with refills.
Good question!!..really got me thinking..and your DVD looks Fantastic. Thanks for sharing!!
A huge pad of paper, a big jar of matte medium, and an armload of magazines.
Travel palette of paint, sketchbook, and waterbrush. (ah…. a couple of paper towels would be nice too)
Hoping that I'll only be stranded for a short while, I'd take 1) a really thick journal 2) watercolor pencils and 3) black permanent pen.
Thank you for the opportunity to win.
Hi Jacqueline! I'd love to win your new DVD! My three things (oh, so hard to decide):
Watercolor Journal
Set of Inktense pencils
black micron pigma pen
Thanks for the chance to win!
1) Journal
2) Watercolors
3) Coloring pencils
Of course it would have been so much nicer if I could just bring my loaded tackle box 😉
Thank you so very much for the chance to win 🙂
For sure my Daniel smith watercolor sticks set, my waterbrush and the biggest, thickest journal I could find!!
1) Journal or pad of 140# HP w/c paper (I know, I'm not a *real* w/c artist)
2) w/c paint set (haha, this includes brush)
3) Pentel sumi brush pen kit (includes refills!)
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I think that I might take a flask of graphite powder, a brush and a soft press paper journal. (I sure would miss that pen, but I'd have to journal more carefully with just a brush.
Your DVD sounds great – thanks for opportunity to win it. I have been obsessing about traveling art kits and trying to find the perfect assortment of goodies for it, so this question fits in with that focus. Only it's a bit more compact than I've been imagining. I would have a very fat journal with good watercolor paper, my sakura koi watercolor set (since it includes a waterbrush), and my rapidosketch set. I just can't live without my pen. If I could have 4 things or squeeze the waterbrush into the sketch pen case, then I'd bring WC pencils instead of the koi set. Makes me glad that I don't have to actually make this choice!! Though the island part sounds really nice.
What a lovely thought- I would want a very thick watercolor journal, a set of WC pencils and a brush. Being on a desert island I would also be able to "paint" in the sand and then record those ideas on paper. What fun that would be!
Watercolor pad – lots of pages
Watercolor palette – freshly stocked
#8 round favorite brush
I would love to win your DVD – I've got it on my "wish list" at CPS website .. . :-))
Well I think I could use berries and plants for colour, so a fat graphite stick so I can do rubbings as well as draw, a big bottle of india ink – I can use sticks as pens and an end less supply of heavy cartridge paper.
Hi Jacqueline, that is an interesting question.
1. Pen and India Ink (if the pen and ink count as two things, I'll opt for the ink and use a stick with my hair on it – ha)
2. Any kind of paper
3. 1/4" tape.
If I needed any color washes, I would go with the local vegetation or flowering parts.
Thanks for the opportunity to win the DVD.
1. A big fat journal.
2. My little red 1950's suitcase filled with watercolors, pens, washi tape, brushes, some stamps and ink – ha, got it all in!
3. Thread and needle, b/c I'd want to stitch things in too, so allow me a bag of my favorite fabric!
Glad I'm not stranded on a desert island – it would be hard!
Oh my,
A huge, huge journal or lots of WC paper
A waterproof pen
My Escoda Brush
Really enjoyed the soluble pen video.
Art supplies on a desert island:
Cotman watercolor set, thick sketchbook, and a Tombo pen. That should keep me happy until rescued…if not, well, my loved ones would have a record of how I met my final reward!
Oh my,
WC paper in my huge, huge, journal
Waterproof pen
Escoda brush
Just as in your class, Jacqueline, I'd be happy for many hours on my desert island with: Cotman watercolor set, thick sketchbook, and a Tombo pen.
If not rescued in time…. my loved one's would have a record of how I met my final reward.
1) a watercolor journal
2) my daniel smith watercolors
3) a huge container of drinking water so I will live to be able to paint in my journal.. . if that doesn't count then I would want a waterproof marker so that I will be able to log my everyday adventures into
Well, let's see…. a big jug of fresh water, my Van Gogh travel watercolors w/brush and a BIG pad of watercolor paper 🙂 Then I would like the Watercolor Fairy to fly you in to give me lessons! 🙂 LOL, 3 things not enough! Thanks girlie, have a great weekend 🙂
Because I'm a collage artist, I feel safe in saying that the following items would be most practical for me:
1. A few reams of organic rice paper for making art and rescue flags. Could also be reduced to glue by chewing when I used it for food.
2. A Swiss Army Knife with mini scissors for cutting paper shapes and sharp blades for turning plants and fish into ink and paint and dinner.
3. A small pot for reducing sea water and plant and animal life to both art and breakfast, as mentioned above.
Oh, as a collage artist with my main focus on the natural world, all I would need to make great art would be
1. My bonefolder;
2. A huge pot of acrylic gel medium; and
3. A man . . . does that count? 🙂
It was great to meet you in Loveland and I look forward to seeing you in Cali!
~Dea Fischer
1. 6B pencil
2. Tube of ultramarine blue
3. Bib block of watercolor paper
Hi Jacqueline!
Look forward to seeing you at Create
(and meet you in person!!)
Would LOVE to win you DVD 🙂
Three things on deserted island:
1) journal
2) watercolor pencils
Hi Jacqueline! My 3 items would be colourful paper, watercolour pencils and sealing wax (for my stamped signature) <-just because im on a deserted island doesnt mean i have to stop adding a flourish to my work 🙂 I suppose i'd make my seal/stamp with a local island item like a shell or carved stone. I hope i win your dvd as i do not have any journalling books or dvd's yet, i am brand new to sketch/smash journalling. Thank you for offering a contest,thats very kind of you. Farida
Jacqueline – I missed this but wanted to say Congratulations on your beautiful Mt. Hood painting being in the spot light at the Deschutes Children's Foundation annual dinner and auction! It's a gorgeous piece!
Thank you Unknown! This is so nice to hear!
Jacqueline – I missed this but wanted to say Congratulations on your beautiful Mt. Hood painting being in the spot light at the Deschutes Children's Foundation annual dinner and auction! It's a gorgeous piece!
What a lovely thought- I would want a very thick watercolor journal, a set of WC pencils and a brush. Being on a desert island I would also be able to "paint" in the sand and then record those ideas on paper. What fun that would be!
Paper, a paint brush and a full palette.
Can one use salt water to paint with? It would give the painting texture! 🙂
So happy that your DVD released; now we are waiting for a book reprint–no pressure! 🙂
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