Castles, Gargoyles and Such

Castles, Gargoyles and Such

Part of the fun of going on a trip and keeping a watercolor journal, is the excitement of finding new things to paint and and record in colorful ways.  We have seen castles, Chateau towers, gargoyles, river barges, and met some lovely people.  I did the exact same river trip down the canal DU Midi with my parents 30 years ago. Here is the only photo I have of that fun time.  To bad I was not an artist back then as it would be fun to see what I would have put in my journal.

here are a few pages from my journal that I have been working on during this trip.

if you are interested in joining me and doing a watercolor European style Journal, my next trip is to Orvieto, Italy. space is limited as there are just a few spots left for this fantastic watercolor trip.  – September 7-13,2014. we have a great group sign up!

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