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Category: finding inspiration to paint

Finding Inspiration to Paint, Part 4

Finding Inspiration to Paint, Part 4

Here is another idea to get you going…. watch a YouTube video.  There are lots of free ones by lots of artists.  I have to tell you though, some of them are really boring and the end result is not what I aspire to.  So what I do is to fast forward to see the final painting and then invest the time to watch the video if I think the painting is good.  Here are a couple of YouTube videos that are demos of how to paint…

Fast video of how I paint a field of flowers:

How to paint palm trees

Here is one where I show what supplies are needed to get started with watercolor painting.
If you find a video you like, look to the right side of the YouTube page and you will see recommendations of other similar videos to watch.  Warning!  Watch a couple then go paint!  I know that I could spend all day watching other people paint but this is to inspire you to paint!

Finding Inspiration to Paint, Part 2

Finding Inspiration to Paint, Part 2

We all find a creative roadblock once in awhile.  So I thought I would continue to share with you some of the things I like to do to get my creative juices flowing again.  Last week I blogged about inviting art friends over.  A couple of responses I received were great ideas too – Celeste recommended traveling to inspire her and Susan says to “slow down and really look around”.  Thank you for these great ideas!
Today’s thought for inspiration is to look through an art book for ideas.  Whether you browse through your own personal art book library or visit the
local library, check out what other artists are doing and see what inspires you.  Try a new technique that is described in the book or try to recreate a painting that you love.  The Splash series books are a wonderful collection of the best of watercolor.  Each book has a focus (light, value, creative solutions…) and is filled with beautiful, inspiring watercolor paintings.

This painting was inspired by what I read in a book about adding white gouache to your painting.  It was quickly done – playful and colorful!