Painting in Provence, France, May 2019

Painting in Provence, France, May 2019

Painting in Provence, France can become your next creative dream come true!  Come paint with me in Provence, France May 10-17, 2019, with French Escape!

Do you ever dream of going on a watercolor painting vacation in Provence, France? Well here is the perfect opportunity to paint and explore the charming villages of sunny Provence! I have just returned from teaching a watercolor workshop in Orvieto, Italy and I want to share with you why I love it so much!

Watercolor Artists in Orvieto, Italy

It is so lovely to be with a group of like minded artists who love to explore their creative side. It is relaxing and fun to paint what you see, describe what you taste, smell and savor. Provence is a culinary, artist’s delight! When you go on a painting vacation, you have time to create a watercolor journal filled with memories.

Painting in Europe

You will grow, evolve and blossom as an artist. Even if you are a beginner, you will start to see things differently and the beauty of it all will make a peaceful, colorful impression on your heart and soul.


What a gift it is to bond and share with friends and loved ones.  It also a wonderful way to make new friends!

And then there is the wonderful art that you create:

Consider joining me on this fun, relaxing, joyous adventure!

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