Watercolor Vignettes from Ponet; a Peek inside my Watercolor Journal

Watercolor Vignettes from Ponet; a Peek inside my Watercolor Journal

Inspired by my blogger friend, Laure and her thoughts on using different formats, I thought I would share this page from my Provence, 2009 Watercolor Journal. 
Directions:  using artist tape, tape off some shapes on a watercolor page in your journal.  Paint a watercolor wash.  Here I used an analogous mix of yellows, greens and blues.  Draw in some little vignette drawings.  Then add some more color to increase the value in certain areas.  Pull off the tape and journal in the white areas. 
Be sure to check out Laure’s wonderful painting of a Canadian Goose using a long format!

10 thoughts on “Watercolor Vignettes from Ponet; a Peek inside my Watercolor Journal

  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog and offering your hints about gouache. This page of yours it great. I think I will try that in my journal and see how it goes for me.

  2. A friend just sent me your blog site…I love this "vignette" page from your journal..
    I can't wait to see future posts.
    I am a francophile, love W/C and being with fellow artists….so I will look for future classes in France.

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